Imagine you see somebody, you know that you know the person but fail to remember his/her identity. Has this ever happened to you? I encountered it yesterday. I was riding my two-wheeler and came across this gentleman whom I recognized by face but I could not recall who he was or how I knew him. But I was sure that I knew him.

When he told his name, I instantly "Googled" the information in my brain and viola, I knew who he was. Why does this happen? My theory is that if we do not see/meet somebody for a long time, we tend to compress their information and transfer them to the end of the brain. And when we see/meet them again, we take some time to uncompress the information and recall the unknown person's identity.

I heard that there are two types of people; one uses the left half of the brain more and other uses the right portion of the brain more. The “south-pawed” tend to be logical and remember names, etc. "Righties" are creative people who tend to remember faces. I know that I am a very logical person but I have a hard time in remembering names. I tend to remember faces more. And so I'm in a current state of confusion…who am I? If any of you out there know, then please help me.

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Anonymous said...

sorry who r u again?!

Kuldip Kumar Garhwal said...

the owner of this blog - Kuldip Kumar Garhwal...

Kuldip Kumar Garhwal said...

ha ha ha