Gadgets which were in the picture from a long time but never picked up. Here is a list of the ones which are getting popular nowadays.
  • 3D (Avatar)
  • Tablet (Apple iPad)
  • Desktop PC (HP Touch Smart PC & Apple iMac)
  • Video Conferencing (Cisco)
  • Size Zero Gadgets (Apple iPad)

Major Internet Developments over the past decade.
  • Text to VOIP (Yahoo Chat to Skype VOIP Calls)
  • Chatrooms to Social Networking (Yahoo to Orkut to Facebook)
  • Content Provider to User Generated Content (Portals to Web Cast like YouTube)
  • From News Portals to RSS Feeds.
  • From no Apps to Apps Stores all the way.

Gadgets which are dying
  • HD DVD (Blu Ray)
  • VHS (DVD, Blu Ray)
  • PDA (Smart Phones, Net Books, iPads)
  • Film Camera (Digital Camera)